In this section we will introduce topics on compiling Lisp programs. ECL is especially powerful on combining lisp programs with C programs. You can embed ECL as a lisp engine in C programs, or call C functions via Foreign Function Interface. We explain file types generated by some compilation approaches. For the examples, a GNU/Linux system and gcc as a development environment are assumed.
You can generate the following files with ECL:
Relations among them are depicted below:
Figure 3.1: Build file types
ECL provides two compilers (bytecodes compiler, and C/C++ compiler). Portable FASL files are built from source lisp files by the bytecodes compiler. Generally FASC files are portable across architectures and operating systems providing a convenient way of shipping portable modules. Portable FASL files may be concatenated, what leads to bundles. FASC files are faster to compile, but generally slower to run.
;; install bytecodes compiler (ext:install-bytecodes-compiler) ;; compile hello.lisp file to hello.fasc (compile-file "hello1.lisp") (compile-file "hello2.lisp") ;; reinitialize C/C++ compiler back (ext:install-c-compiler) ;; FASC file may be loaded dynamically from lisp program (load "hello1.fasc") ;; ... concatenated into a bundle with other FASC (with-open-file (output "hello.fasc" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (ext:run-program "cat" '("hello1.fasc" "hello2.fasc") :output output)) ;; ... and loaded dynamically from lisp program (load "hello.fasc")
If you want to make a library which is loaded dynamically from a lisp program, you should choose the fasl file format. Under the hood native fasls are just shared library files.
This means you can load fasl files with dlopen
and initialize it
by calling a init function from C programs, but this is not an intended
usage. The recommended usage is to load fasl files by calling the load lisp
function. To work with Native FASL files ECL has to be compiled
with --enable-shared
configure option (enabled by default).
Creating a fasl file from one lisp file is very easy.
(compile-file "hello.lisp")
To create a fasl file from more lisp files, firstly you have to compile
each lisp file into an object file, and then combine them with
;; generates hello.o (compile-file "hello.lisp" :system-p t) ;; generates goodbye.o (compile-file "goodbye.lisp" :system-p t) ;; generates hello-goodbye.fas (c:build-fasl "hello-goodbye" :lisp-files '("hello.o" "goodbye.o")) ;; fasls may be built from mix of objects and libraries (both shared and ;; static) (c:build-fasl "mixed-bundle" :lisp-files '("hello1.o" "hello2.a" ""))
Object files work as an intermediate file format. If you want to compile
more than two lisp files, you might better to compile with a
:system-p t
option, which generates object files (instead of a
On linux systems, ECL invokes gcc -c
to generate object files.
An object file consists of some functions in C:
Consider the example below.
(defun say-hello () (print "Hello, world"))
During compilation, this simple lisp program is translated into the C program, and then compiled into the object file. The C program contains two functions:
static cl_object L1say_hello
’say-hello’ function
ECL_DLLEXPORT void _eclwm2nNauJEfEnD_CLSxi0z(cl_object flag)
initialization function
In order to use these object files from your C program, you have to call
initialization functions before using lisp functions (such as
). However the name of an init function is seemed to be
randomized and not user-friendly. This is because object files are not
intended to be used directly.
ECL provides other user-friendly ways to generate compiled lisp programs (as static/shared libraries or executables), and in each approach, object files act as intermediate files.
ECL can compile lisp programs to static libraries, which can be linked
with C programs. A static library is created by
with some compiled object files.
;; generates hello.o (compile-file "hello.lsp" :system-p t) ;; generates goodbye.o (compile-file "goodbye.lsp" :system-p t) ;; generates libhello-goodbye.a (c:build-static-library "hello-goodbye" :lisp-files '("hello.o" "goodbye.o") :init-name "init_hello_goodbye")
When you use a static/shared library, you have to call its init function. The
name of this function is specified by the :init-name
option. In this
example, it is then init_hello_goodbye
. The usage of this function is
shown below:
#include <ecl/ecl.h> extern void init_hello_goodbye(cl_object cblock); int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* setup the lisp runtime */ cl_boot(argc, argv); /* call the init function via ecl_init_module */ ecl_init_module(NULL, init_hello_goodbye); /* ... */ /* shutdown the lisp runtime */ cl_shutdown(); return 0; }
Because the program itself does not know the type of the init function,
a prototype declaration is inserted. After booting up the lisp
environment, it invokes init_hello_goodbye
. init_hello_goodbye
takes an argument,
and ecl_init_module
supplies an appropriate one. Now that the
initialization is finished, we can use functions and other stuff defined
in the library.
- equivalent to ecl_init_module
ECL supports the generation of executable files. To create a standalone
executable from a lisp program, compile all lisp files to object
files. After that, calling c:build-program
creates the
;; generates hello.o (compile-file "hello.lsp" :system-p t) ;; generates goodbye.o (compile-file "goodbye.lsp" :system-p t) ;; generates hello-goodbye (c:build-program "hello-goodbye" :lisp-files '("hello.o" "goodbye.o"))
Like with native FASL, the program may be built also from libraries.
In this section, some file types that can be compiled with ECL were introduced. Each file type has an adequate purpose:
lisp function
ECL provides a high-level interface c:build-*
for each native
format. In case of Portable FASL the bytecodes compiler is needed.
For larger systems involving more complex file dependencies, or for systems that are portable across different Common Lisp implementations, it may be better to define systems using asdf.
ECL provides a useful extension for asdf called asdf:make-build
, which
offers an abstraction for building libraries directly from system definitions.
Note that this extension is only available in the ASDF that is shipped with
ECL; it may not be available from an ASDF installed from the system or from
To download dependencies you may use
Quicklisp to load your system (with
dependencies defined). Make sure you can successfully load and run your
library in the ECL REPL (or *slime-repl*
). Don’t worry about
other libraries loaded in your image – ECL will only build and pack
libraries your project depends on (that is, all dependencies you put in
your .asd
file, and their dependencies - nothing more, despite
the fact that other libraries may be loaded).
An example project is included in the ECL source distribution in the
This project depends on the alexandria
library and consists of a system
definition (example-with-dep.asd
), package definition
), and the actual library code (example.lisp
Before following the steps below, you must
configure ASDF to find your systems.
You can either copy or symlink the example directory in one of the standard
ASDF locations, or push the path of the example directory to your
, for example:
(push "./" asdf:*central-registry*)
Use this in the REPL to make an executable:
(asdf:make-build :example-with-dep :type :program :move-here #P"./" :epilogue-code '(progn (example:test-function 5) (si:exit)))
Here the :epilogue-code
is executed after loading our library;
we can use arbitrary Lisp forms here. You can also put this code in
your Lisp files and directly build them without this
option to achieve the same result. Running the
program in a console will display the following and exit:
Factorial of 5 is: 120
To build a static library, use:
(asdf:make-build :example-with-dep :type :static-library :move-here #P"./" :monolithic t :init-name "init_example")
This will generate example-with-dep--all-systems.a
in the
current directory which we need to initialize with the
function. Compile it using:
gcc test.c example-with-dep--all-systems.a -o test-static -lecl
Then run it:
This will show:
Factorial of 5 is: 120
Note we don’t need to pass the current path in LD_LIBRARY_PATH
here, since our Lisp library is statically bundled with the executable.
The result is the same as the shared library example above. You can also
build all dependent libraries separately as static libraries.
ECL provides some global variables to customize which C compiler and compiler options to use:
It is not required to surround the compiler flags with quotes or use slashes before special characters.
c:*user-cc-flags* ¶Flags and options to be passed to the C compiler when building FASL, shared libraries and standalone programs.
c:*user-linker-flags* ¶Flags for options (e.g. -Wl,foo
flags, usually in the
variable in autoconf) to be passed to the linker when
building FASL, shared libraries and standalone programs.
c:*user-linker-libs* ¶Flags for libraries (e.g. -lfoo
flags, usually in the
variable in autoconf) to be passed to the linker when
building FASL, shared libraries and standalone programs.
c:*cc-optimize* ¶Optimize options to be passed to the C compiler.
c:*user-ld-flags* ¶DEPRECATED Flags and options to be passed to the linker when building FASL, shared libraries and standalone programs.
c::*cc* ¶This variable controls how the C compiler is invoked by ECL. One can set the variable appropriately adding for instance flags which the C compiler may need to exploit special hardware features (e.g. a floating point coprocessor).
c::*ld* ¶This variable controls the linker which is used by ECL.
c::*ranlib* ¶Name of the ‘ranlib’ program on the hosting platform.
c::*ar* ¶Name of the ‘ar’ program on the hosting platform.
c::*ecl-include-directory* ¶Directory where the ECL header files for the target platform are located.
c::*ecl-library-directory* ¶Directory where the ECL library files for the target platform are located.