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4.6 The interpreter

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4.6.1 ECL stacks

ECL uses the following stacks:

Frame Stackconsisting of catch, block, tagbody frames
Bind Stackfor shallow binding of dynamic variables
Interpreter Stackacts as a Forth data stack, keeping intermediate arguments to interpreted functions, plus a history of called functions.
C Control Stackused for arguments/values passing, typed lexical variables, temporary values, and function invocation.

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4.6.2 Procedure Call Conventions

ECL employs standard C calling conventions to achieve efficiency and interoperability with other languages. Each Lisp function is implemented as a C function which takes as many arguments as the Lisp original. If the function takes optional or keyword arguments, the corresponding C function takes one additional integer argument which holds the number of actual arguments. The function sets nvalues in the thread local environment to the number of Lisp values produced, it returns the first one and the remaining ones are kept in a global (per thread) array (values).

To show the argument/value passing mechanism, here we list the actual code for the Common-Lisp function last.

cl_last(cl_narg narg, cl_object l, ...)
	const cl_env_ptr the_env = ecl_process_env();
	cl_object k;
	va_list ARGS;
	va_start(ARGS, l);
	if (ecl_unlikely(narg < 1|| narg > 2)) FEwrong_num_arguments(/* ... */);
	if (narg > 1) {
		k = va_arg(ARGS,cl_object);
	} else {
		k = ecl_make_fixnum(1);
	cl_object __value0 = ecl_last(l, ecl_to_size(k));
	the_env->nvalues = 1;
	the_env->values[0] = __value0;
	return __value0;

ECL adopts the convention that the name of a function that implements a Common-Lisp function begins with a short package name (cl for COMMON-LISP, si for SYSTEM, etc), followed by L, and followed by the name of the Common-Lisp function. (Strictly speaking, ‘-’ and ‘*’ in the Common-Lisp function name are replaced by ‘_’ and ‘A’, respectively, to obey the syntax of C.)

The code for the function last first checks that the right number of arguments are supplied to cl_last. That is, it checks that narg is 1 or 2, and otherwise, it causes an error. Following that, the optional variable k is initialized and the return value __value0 is computed. The number assigned to nvalues set by the function (1 in this case) represents the number of values of the function. The return value of the function is copied in the values array as well as returned directly.

In general, if one is to play with the C kernel of ECL there is no need to know about all these conventions. There is a preprocessor (see Defun preprocessor) that takes care of the details, by using a lisp representation of the statements that output values, and of the function definitions. For instance, the actual source code for cl_last in src/c/list.d is

@(defun last (l &optional (k ecl_make_fixnum(1)))
  @(return ecl_last(l, ecl_to_size(k)));

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4.6.3 The lexical environment

The ECL interpreter uses a list containing local functions and macros, variables, tags and blocks to represent the lexical environment. When a function closure is created, the current lexical environment is saved in the closure along with the lambda expression. Later, when the closure is invoked, this list is used to recover the lexical environment.

Note that this list is different from what the Common Lisp standard calls a lexical environment, which is the content of a &environment parameter to defmacro. For the differences between this two environments see the comments in src/c/compiler.d and src/c/interpreter.d.

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4.6.4 The interpreter stack

The bytecodes interpreter uses a stack of its own to save and restore values from intermediate calculations. This Forth-like data stack is also used in other parts of the C kernel for various purposes, such as saving compiled code, keeping arguments to format, etc.

However, one of the most important roles of the Interpreter Stack is to keep a log of the functions which are called during the execution of bytecodes. For each function invoked, the interpreter keeps three lisp objects on the stack:

  | function | lexical environment | index to previous record |

The first item is the object which is funcalled. It can be a bytecodes object, a compiled function or a generic function. In the last two cases the lexical environment is just nil. In the first case, the second item on the stack is the lexical environment on which the code is executed. Each of these records are popped out of the stack after function invocation.

Let us see how these invocation records are used for debugging.

> (defun fact (x)               ;;;  Wrong definition of the
    (if (= x 0)                 ;;;  factorial function.
        one                     ;;;  one  should be  1.
        (* x (fact (1- x)))))

> (fact 3)                      ;;;  Tries  3!
Error: The variable ONE is unbound.
Error signalled by IF.
Broken at IF.
>> :b                           ;;;  Backtrace.
Backtrace: eval > fact > if > fact > if > fact > if > fact > IF
;;;  Currently at the last  IF.
>> :h                           ;;;  Help.

Break commands:
:q(uit)         Return to some previous break level.
:pop            Pop to previous break level.
:c(ontinue)     Continue execution.
:b(acktrace)    Print backtrace.
:f(unction)     Show current function.
:p(revious)     Go to previous function.
:n(ext)         Go to next function.
:g(o)           Go to next function.
:fs             Search forward for function.
:bs             Search backward for function.
:v(ariables)    Show local variables, functions, blocks, and tags.
:l(ocal)        Return the nth local value on the stack.
:hide           Hide function.
:unhide         Unhide function.
:hp             Hide package.
:unhp           Unhide package.
:unhide-all     Unhide all variables and packages.
:bds            Show binding stack.
:m(essage)      Show error message.
:hs             Help stack.
Top level commands:
:cf             Compile file.
:exit or ^D     Exit Lisp.
:ld             Load file.
:step           Single step form.
:tr(ace)        Trace function.
:untr(ace)      Untrace function.

Help commands:
:apropos        Apropos.
:doc(ument)     Document.
:h(elp) or ?    Help.  Type ":help help" for more information.

>> :p                       ;;;  Move to the last call of  FACT.
Broken at IF.

>> :b
Backtrace: eval > fact > if > fact > if > fact > if > FACT > if
;;;  Now at the last  FACT.
>> :v                       ;;;  The environment at the last call
Local variables:            ;;;  to  FACT  is recovered.
  X: 0                      ;;;  X  is the only bound variable.
Block names: FACT.          ;;;  The block  FACT  is established.

>> x
0                           ;;;  The value of  x  is  0.

>>(return-from fact 1)      ;;;  Return from the last call of
6                           ;;;  FACT  with the value of  0.
                            ;;;  The execution is resumed and
>                           ;;;  the value  6  is returned.
;;;  Again at the top-level loop.

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