Next: Foreign Function Interface, Previous: System building, Up: Extensions [Contents][Index]
• Command line arguments | ||
• External processes | ||
• FIFO files (named pipes) | ||
• Operating System Interface Reference |
Next: External processes, Up: Operating System Interface [Contents][Index]
Command line help message. Initial value is ECL help message. This
variable contains the help message which is output when ECL is invoked
with the --help
ECL initialization files. Initial value is '("~/.ecl"
. This variable contains the names of initialization files
that are loaded by ECL or embedding programs. The loading of
initialization files happens automatically in ECL unless invoked with
the option --norc
. Whether initialization files are loaded or
not is controlled by the command line options rules, as described in
ECL command line options. This constant contains a list of rules for
parsing the command line arguments. This list is made of all the
options which ECL accepts by default. It can be passed as first
argument to ext:process-command-args
, and you can use it as a
starting point to extend ECL.
Original list of command line arguments. This function returns the list of command line arguments passed to either ECL or the program it was embedded in. The output is a list of strings and it corresponds to the argv vector in a C program. Typically, the first argument is the name of the program as it was invoked. You should not count on the filename to be resolved.
A list of strings. Defaults to the output of ext:command-args
A list of lists. Defaults to the value of
This function processes the command line arguments passed to either ECL or the program that embeds it. It uses the list of rules rules, which has the following syntax:
(option-name nargs template [:stop | :noloadrc | :loadrc]*)
A string with the option prefix as typed by the user. For instance
, -?
, --compile
, etc.
A non-negative integer denoting the number of arguments taken by this option.
A lisp form, not evaluated, where numbers from 0 to nargs will be replaced by the corresponding option argument.
If present, parsing of arguments stops after this option is found and
processed. The list of remaining arguments is passed to the
rule. ECL’s top-level uses this option with the --
command line
option to set ext:*unprocessed-ecl-command-args*
to the list of
remaining arguments.
:noloadrc, :loadrc
Determine whether the lisp initialization files in
will be loaded before processing
all forms.
works as follows. First of all, it
parses all the command line arguments, except for the first one, which
is assumed to contain the program name. Each of these arguments is
matched against the rules, sequentially, until one of the patterns
A special name *default*
, matches any unknown command line
option. If there is no *default*
rule and no match is found, an
error is signaled. For each rule that succeeds, the function
constructs a lisp statement using the template.
After all arguments have been processed,
, and there were no occurrences of
, the first existing file listed in
will be loaded. Finally, the list of
lisp statements will be evaluated.
The following piece of code implements the ls command using lisp. Instructions for building this program are found under examples/cmdline/ls.lsp.
(setq ext:*help-message* " ls [--help | -?] filename* Lists the file that match the given patterns. ") (defun print-directory (pathnames) (format t "~{~A~%~}" (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (enough-namestring x (si::getcwd))) (mapcan #'directory (or pathnames '("*.*" "*/")))))) (defconstant +ls-rules+ '(("--help" 0 (progn (princ ext:*help-message* *standard-output*) (ext:quit 0))) ("-?" 0 (progn (princ ext:*help-message* *standard-output*) (ext:quit 0))) ("*DEFAULT*" 1 (print-directory 1) :stop))) (let ((ext:*lisp-init-file-list* NIL)) ; No initialization files (handler-case (ext:process-command-args :rules +ls-rules+) (error (c) (princ ext:*help-message* *error-output*) (ext:quit 1)))) (ext:quit 0)
Next: FIFO files (named pipes), Previous: Command line arguments, Up: Operating System Interface [Contents][Index]
ECL provides several facilities for invoking and communicating with
external processes. If one just wishes to execute some program, without
caring for its output, then probably ext:system
is the best
function. In all other cases it is preferable to use
, which opens pipes to communicate with the
program and manipulate it while it runs on the background.
External process is a structure created with ext:run-program
(returned as third value). It is programmer responsibility, to call
on finished processes, however during
garbage collection object will be finalized.
Returns process PID or nil
if already finished.
Updates process status. ext:external-process-status
if process has not finished yet
(non-blocking call). Returns two values:
- member of (:abort :error :exited :signalled
:stopped :resumed :running)
- if process exited it is a returned value, if terminated
it is a signal code. Otherwise NIL.
If the second argument is non-NIL, function blocks until external
process is finished. Otherwise status is updated. Returns two values
(see ext:external-process-status
Terminates external process.
Process stream accessors (read-only).
creates a new process specified by the
command argument. argv are the standard arguments that can
be passed to a program. For no arguments, use nil
(which means
that just the name of the program is passed as arg 0).
will return three values - two-way stream for
communication, return code or nil
(if process is called
asynchronously), and ext:external-process
object holding
process state.
It is programmer responsibility to call
on finished process, however ECL
associates finalizer with the object calling it
when the object is garbage collected. If process didn’t finish but is
not referenced, finalizer will be invoked once more during next
garbage collection.
The &key
arguments have the following meanings:
Either t
, nil
, a pathname, a string, a stream or
. If t
the standard input for the current process
is inherited. If nil
, /dev/null
is used. If a pathname (or
a string), the file so specified is used. If a stream, all the input is
read from that stream and sent to the subprocess. If :stream
, the
slot is filled in with a stream
that sends its output to the process. Defaults to :stream
Can be one of: :error
to generate an error :create
create an empty file nil
(the default) to return nil from
Either t
, nil
, a pathname, a string, a stream, or
. If t
, the standard output for the current process
is inherited. If nil
, /dev/null
is used. If a pathname (or
as string), the file so specified is used. If a stream, all the output
from the process is written to this stream. If :stream
, the
slot is filled in with a stream
that can be read to get the output. Defaults to :stream
Can be one of: :error
(the default) to generate an error,
to supersede the file with output from the program,
to append output from the program to the file or
to return nil
from ext:run-program
Same as :output
, except that :error
can also be
specified as :output
in which case all error output is routed
to the same place as normal output. Defaults to :output
Same as :if-output-exists
If non-nil
(default), wait until the created process finishes. If
, continue running Lisp until the program finishes.
A list of STRINGs describing the new Unix environment (as in "man
environ"). The default is to copy the environment of the current
process. To extend existing environment (instead of replacing it),
use :environ (append *my-env* (ext:environ))
If non-nil
argument is supplied, then first
argument to ext:run-program
, command, must be full path
to the file.
The external-format to use for :input
, :output
, and
Windows specific options:
Controls escaping of the arguments passed to CreateProcess
Next: Operating System Interface Reference, Previous: External processes, Up: Operating System Interface [Contents][Index]
Named pipe (known as fifo) may be created on UNIX with a shell command
mkfifo. ECL opens such files in non-blocking
mode. ext:file-kind
will return for such file
. Since it is impossible to guess how many characters are
available in this special file file-length
function will return
Previous: FIFO files (named pipes), Up: Operating System Interface [Contents][Index]
Run shell command ignoring its output. Uses fork.
Creates a pipe and wraps it in a two way stream.
This function abruptly stops the execution of the program in which ECL is embedded. Depending on the platform, several other functions will be invoked to free resources, close loaded modules, etc.
The exit code is the code seen by the parent process that invoked this program. Normally a code other than zero denotes an error.
If kill-all-threads is non-nil
, tries to gently kill and
join with running threads.
Environment accessors.
Common operating system functions.
Previous: FIFO files (named pipes), Up: Operating System Interface [Contents][Index]